

Explore our extensive selection of high-quality knives, a sharp knife at your side is an indispensable companion!

Explore our extensive selection of high-quality knives, a sharp knife at your side is an indispensable companion!

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The blade is made of M390 powder steel, which is a high-grade powder metallurgical steel with a hardness of 61 HRC, as well as excellent toughness, wear resistance, and corrosion resistance. The handle material is made of TC4 titanium, which has excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. In addition, a blue G10 patch adds a unique aesthetic and makes it more comfortable..


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Damascus steel is renowned for its unique and gorgeous forged patterns, exemplifies exceptional craftsmanship aesthetics and sharp cutting performance.

Damascus Folding Knfe

The exquisite folding knife is made of Damascus steel with excellent sharpness and durability, and ultimate portability. It is a high-end boutique that combines collection and practicality.

Damascus Fixed Blade

Damascus steel fixed blade knife offers exceptional sharpness, durability, and aesthetic appeal, making it a reliable and beautiful knife for various tasks.

Damascus Claw Knife

Damascus claw knife combines the durability and sharpness of Damascus steel with the versatile functionality of claw design, making it an excellent knife for various outdoor and self-defense.

Damascus Chef Knife

Damascus chef knife offers exceptional sharpness and durability with a unique pattern that enhances its visual beauty, making it a versatile and long-lasting knife for various culinary tasks.


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